Varicose and spider veins is hereditary and despite our best efforts, seeing some unsightly skin blemishes can be expected even in the healthiest individuals. But at what point should you be concerned about varicose veins?
In most instances, spider and varicose veins are harmless, but understanding your condition has great value. Fortunately, a vein evaluation is straight forward.
The first consideration is the presence of symptoms. While spider veins and varicose veins are common, the presence of symptoms may indicate underlying vein disease. Common symptoms include leg pain, aching, tiredness, and swelling. Being aware of the common symptoms of vein disease is the first step towards vein wellness.
Early on, we can manage these symptoms with healthy choices and exercise. Having a vein doctor at vein treatment Clifton NJ is the first step to advise on the severity of the condition and what treatment options may work best.
So what non-surgical treatments work for vein disease?
Varicose veins occur when the one-way valves in your veins fail and allow blood to leak backward. As a result, blood pools in the lower legs and dilates the veins to cause venous insufficiency. With time, this condition also can lead to spider and varicose veins.
Compression stockings support your veins and the function of the valves. Less reflux leads to decreased pooling of blood in the legs, which in turn reduces symptoms including pain and swelling. This can also prevent the development of new spider and varicose veins.
The most difficult issue is getting comfortable with wearing compression stockings. This takes time and persistence. Your initial weeks with the compression stockings are going to be challenging, especially if the weather is hot. Additionally, for older patients, putting on compression stockings can also be difficult. Working with your vein specialist to find the right material, compression and fit for your condition will be a key factor to sticking with the plan. Additionally, patients can purchase stockings with zippers and even utilize donners to assist with put them on in the morning.
Compression stockings can provide significant relief, however they are not a cure for vein disease. And while managing the symptomatic pain is crucial to those suffering from venous reflux, it’s important to always seek the advice of a vein specialist when determining the best vein treatment for you.
Curative treatments for venous insufficiency include vein ablation, sclerotherapy and venaseal. These techniques have become the standards for modern vein treatment and replaced more invasive procedures such as vein stripping and surgical ligation. With minimally invasive procedures, the treatments can be done directly in the office without anesthesia or any downtime.
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In most cases, your vein doctor will recommend a trial of exercise and compression stockings before considering any procedure. For advanced cases that involve swelling, ulcerations, or bleeding, vein treatment is associated with greater resolution and improved healing time.